Thank you to everyone who contributed to this year’s 100,000 Thank Yous campaign! Thanks to your generosity, we received 209,433 thank you letters to send our troops this holiday season.
Watch John Rich and Shawn Parr help us with the big reveal.
Please mail all letters to:
100,000 Thank Yous
506 2nd Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37210
- We’ve extended the deadline to Monday, December 3, 2018! Please be sure to get your thank you letters in the mail in time for us to receive & count them toward the final total on December 3.
Ty, Kelly & Chuck are calling on YOU to create, collect and send 100,000 Thank You letters to our troops overseas during the month of November! Our troops are there for us 24/7… it’s YOUR turn to be there for THEM when they need it the most!
Last year we collected over 175,000 letters to send to our deployed service members, and we can’t wait to do it again! It’s time to challenge your neighbors, church group, class or entire school, team, fraternity or sorority, Girl or Boy Scout Troop, and work office to start writing letters of thanks to our military!
- Start writing those letters! Get together with ANYONE you know to write letters of gratitude to our deployed service members and veterans. Mail all letters to 100,000 Thank Yous at 506 2nd Avenue S, Nashville TN 37210.

After you’ve written all those letters, send all of them bundled as directed below. Do NOT include envelopes when writing cards – it will only slow down the sorting!
- Bundle letters in groups (typically in groups of 25, 50, 100 or 250 is best for a large amount).
- Please add a note to the top of your letters noting how many are in each bundle! This will be a HUGE help while sorting and counting.
- Feel free to place all letters in a manila envelope for ease of shipping.
Mail all letters to 100,000 Thank Yous at 506 2nd Avenue S, Nashville TN 37210.
No physical or monetary donations will be accepted – please do not include these in your letters.

- Here are a few tips to remember when writing your letters:
- Be positive and upbeat
- Be thankful
- Feel free to share a little info about yourself like hobbies, pets, etc
- Talk about things happening around home like the weather, sports, etc.
- A great way to start your letter is “Dear Service Member” or “Dear Friend”
- Click here to see great examples from last year’s 100,000 Thank Yous!
- Here are some things NOT to do when writing your letters:
- They love kids’ drawings but do NOT use glitter or attach any other crafting materials (such as “googly eyes” or pipe cleaners)
- Do not discuss inappropriate things
- Avoid politics or political statements
- Avoid lengthy religious discussions but saying you are praying for them is great
- Avoid making holiday-specific cards, as the troops will be sent letters throughout the year.
- Do NOT include envelopes when writing cards – it will only slow down the sorting!
- Ideas to get you started:
- Buy a box of greeting cards, write a short note of encouragement to our troops and send them to us to be included in our packages.
- Fold a piece of paper in half and make your own card. We would love for schools, churches, and clubs to have their children spend a few minutes making cards.
- Are you and your group interested in helping Ty, Kelly & Chuck sort letters? Email [email protected]!
- Partners
- Military Missions
- Military Missions exists to support and honor deployed military personnel by sending care packages year round as an expression of appreciation and gratitude.
- Through OPERATION S.E.N.D., Military Missions ships out 8,000+ care packages to troops deployed all over the world! Their care packages include personal care items, snacks, books, and (most importantly) YOUR cards! These packages get sent out year-round, so make sure your cards aren’t holiday-specific.
- The Military Missions team likes to include 10+ cards in each care package, so that adds up to a LOT of cards per year – we are so excited to partner with them to make sure deployed military members will receive cards throughout 2019!
- John Rich & Redneck Riviera
- Redneck Riviera celebrates the men and women who make America the greatest nation in the world. It’s based on not only a work ethic that’s second to none, but also a passion for making the most of every moment. With Redneck Riviera, we’re honoring this unique American mindset by celebrating those folks who play every bit as hard as they work.
- Military Missions